Now, the next novel, Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business was one I could really relate to - ha! (Kind of embarrassingly :)) Let's just say I really felt Junie's pain when she found out her new baby wasn't a REAL MONKEY... It was raining on the day my grandmother took me to visit my new daycare/preschool and I'll never forget this little girl telling me all about the 'monkey bars' that were on the playground. I couldn't believe it!! This school had MONKEYS!! I couldn't sleep that night (I'm from the desert so there was no worry that it would be raining the next day) just thinking how much fun it was going to be get to play with actual monkeys! We were going to play on bars together! Well, it took me about 1.5 seconds the next day on that playground to ask that little girl where in the world were those monkeys she had told me about! *sigh* I'm pretty sure the disappointment has scarred me for life and I still think having real live monkeys out on the playground would be super cool! But I moved on....I decided 'painting' the wooden fence with water and real paint brushes was my favorite activity (yep, I was weird...) but every once in awhile I would still look for those monkeys...(weird, I tell ya!)
Sooo, yeah, anyhooo, take a look at my novel unit - 35 pages to go along with this fantastic story. There's even a mini-lesson page on metaphors! Metaphors are something all children should be taught about before they're scarred for life also :))